Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, 9/11/12

TUESDAY, 9/11/2012                                                                                 Day 14

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.
2.     Pick up a bookmark.
3.     Pick up a copy of “Those Three Wishes.

Plan for Week
Today:                     Lots of Strategy Work; thirty minutes for Read-and-Relax
Wednesday:       New vocab; making vocab flashcards; read-and-relax
Thursday:             Lots of Read-and-Relax (at least a full hour)
Friday:                     Slap It! with flascards; Read-and Relax

Strategy #1--Prediction
1.      Look at the bookmark journal to remind ourselves how to make a prediction.  (Put these in your read-and-relax book!)
2.     In the margins of “Those Three Wishes”, write FIVE PREDICTIONS as I read aloud.
3.     We’ll discuss them as we go through the story.

Strategy #2—Summarizing:  Somebody Wanted But So
1.      Grab a Somebody Wanted But So handout off the circle table.  We’ll discuss this.
2.     With a partner, create TWO SWBS summaries of this story!
3.     Come show me one of your summaries when you’re done.

Our Class Summaries:
1.      Melissa:  THE SNAIL WANTED to live, BUT Melinda wanted to step on him, SO the snail gave her three wishes.
2.     Sergio:  MELINDA WANTED to die, BUT didn’t mean to say/wish it, SO she died without getting the rest of her wishes.
3.     Elaney:  THE SNAIL DIDN’T WANT to be crushed, BUT Melinda did want to crush him, SO the snail gave wishes to Melinda to avoid getting smooshed.
4.     Tristan:  MELINDA WANTED to have a thousand wishes, BUT she wished she was dead, SO she didn’t get her wishes.

Practice (did not do in 4th block--do on own later this week)
·       “Sick” by Shel Silverstein:  title, prediction, and SWBS
·       Now:  Make sure you name and date are on BOTH papers, and turn them into the drawer.
·       Read and relax!
·       From now on when you come out in the hall with me for book chats, you will be using this strategy with your book—summarizing the whole book in one sentence.

Read and Relax

Please and thank you!  Wrapping Up Read and Relax
1.      Complete your pink daily reading log
a.     time ended
b.     page ended
2.     Rate yourself. (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
3.     Put your pink sheet and book over on the table where it was when class started, unless you’re reading outside of class today.

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