Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, 3/28/2012

Welcome to Creative Writing!

When You Come In
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Get an iBook.

Writing Lesson Review
1.      Why are clichés evil (or just bad for your writing)?
2.     Go on a cliché hunt, following the directions on the blog.
3.     You will create a google doc where you can copy and past the clichés.
4.     You have fifteen minutes to work!
5.     Start:  11:25         End:  11:40

Collaborative Writing Assignment
1.      Group Cliché Story Models
2.     Group Cliché Story Requirements (page 15)
3.     Writing Workshop Time
a.     12:35—Started
b.     12:55--Progress check
c.     1:05—Another check-in!
d.     1:10—Put iBooks away.


Writing Experiment #2
1.      Select ONE of the following choices to write about. 
2.     Set a timer for twenty minutes.  Type for the full twenty minutes. 
3.     Doublespace this assignment; this should be a page or more when you finish.
4.     Record the time you started, and the time you stopped, at the top of your typed page.
5.     No one will read this but me, unless you choose to share it in your small group next week.

DUE:                  Thursday, 3/29/2012, in the drawer when the tardy bell rings

Option 1:  This I Believe
You probably share a basic outlook on life with your friends.  However, most people have a few beliefs that would shock their friends.  Write about a belief of yours that annoys or surprises the people who are close to you.

Option 2:  Making a Comeback
According to the cliché,
Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback.”

In your life, has this proven true?  Have you always recovered from setbacks?

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