Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, January 30th, 2011

Welcome to Creative Writing!

When You Come In
1.      Please put Journal #2 in the drawer.
2.     Grab a Cliché Trio Story Comments sheet off the table.
3.     Grab an ibook, and print off your Cliché story.
4.     Sign in, please.

1.      Cliché Trio Stories!  Share aloud, and comment!
2.     Turn in your comment sheets when we’re done sharing.

iBook Writing Workshop—Last Thirty Minutes (Ten to explain and model; twenty to type)

Writing Experiment--I Am a Russian Tailor

Here's the assignment.
1.      Write a poem about yourself that is filled with lies. 
2.     Try to make up creative, dramatic lies, rather than saying things such as “I have two cats” or “I love chocolate pudding.”
3.     Your Writing Task:  Write a poem that is a series of creative, dramatic lies!
4.     Don’t worry about what order you put stuff in—just type/write the lies as fast as you can!

Some Examples of Lines
·       My brain is in my foot.  I can’t think when I step on it.
·       I died last night.
·       I have over-acted worse than Tom Cruise.
·       I created air—every time you breathe, you owe me ten cents.

1.      NO BODILY FUNCTIONS!  Please, and thank you!
a.     Order
b.     Adding details
c.     Deleting stuff

Here’s a model:

Money Grows on Trees

I eat no meat whatsoever.
I eat salad for a living it’s all I can find.
When I sneeze pigeons come out my nose.
I love it when bull sharks snack on my leg meat.
Washington schools are nice and brand spanking new. I love them.
This is Sparta.
Tonight I will dine in hell.
I shot the sheriff.
I am so happy that pigs can fly.
I taught them last week.
My house is made of ginger bread and candy cane.
I run a Columbian drug cartel.
I lay eggs in my kitchen sink.
I invented the wheel and sliced bread.
London Bridge fell down last week.
I have two left feet and one is a sausage.
My blood is cherry flavored.
I have a son named Damien.
Two plus two equals chicken.

Alex Meyer

·       None



When You Come In
1.      Please sign in on the 3rd Block clipboard.
2.     Please turn in your Two Lenses homework.

Class Discussion:  Big Word for the Week = DICTION!  (Big Word for Next Week = MEMOIR)
1.      What does it mean?  What is it?
2.     Why does one word matter?
3.     How can it affect your writing?

Independent Online Investigation and Reading:  Banished Words List
1.      I’ll explain the assignment on page 46 and show you where everything is.
3.     You browse the word lists from the past few years for ten minutes.
4.     As you go, jot down any words that you agree REALLY needed to be banned, and we’ll share out with those as a class in a few minutes.
5.     You create a list of ten words you want banned, along with a sentence or two about why.  Use Tyler’s model on page 46 as your guide.
6.     Save your list in the google docs folder for class.

·       You’ll share your individual lists in trios, and you’ll create a “top ten” to share out with the class.
·       You’ll submit a word as an individual to the Lake Superior State University Banished Word List for 2013 (on line).

Trio Discussion and Creation:  Alternate Word Meanings (page 47)—top half of page only!
1.      Skim the list of sixteen models, and I’ll ask each of you to read ONE aloud to the class.
2.     Form trios or pairs.  Create a list of at least five, but hopefully ten, words with alternate meanings.
3.     Save them in the google docs folder for class.
4.     We will finish our lists in class tomorrow, then discuss them.

Brain Pain:  A Difficult Sentence to Write     (two sentences)
Write two sentences describing a recent visit you paid to the planet Jupiter. 
1.      In the first sentence, make every word come later in the alphabetical order than the one before it (A-Z).
2.     In the second sentence, make every word come earlier in alphabetical order than the one before it (Z-A).
3.     Minimum of ten words per sentence!
4.     Save them in the folder for our class on google docs as “your last name, difficult sentence”.

·       Two Difficult Sentences (about your trip to Jupiter), saved in our class folder on google docs!  

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