Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

  • We walked to the Public Library to read.

Howdy, AP!
Day Twenty-Eight

Quiz:  Pages 31-64 of Mango
·      Take as much time as you need to give full, detailed answers.

Independent, Quiet Work Time--When You Finish the Quiz
(You have from now until lunch at 12:03.)
·      Work on page 12 in your yellow packet:  Style Element Observations
·      Work on pages 8-9 in your yellow packet:  Motifs.

When You Get Back From Lunch--Group Work (twenty minutes)
In your same trios I assigned you to Monday, compare notes, and work together to complete the following:
1.      page 12 in the yellow packet.
2.     Pages 8-9 in the yellow packet (You won’t finish, but add to what you have thus far.)
3.     Character charts

Independent Quiet Work Time (last twenty minutes of block)
1.      Complete a ten-minute journal over page 17, #3—Gender Roles and Expectations.  This is a personal writing assignment (using yourself as the subject).
2.     Update your green Vocab War grids (extras on the circle table).  We will talk more about team formation tomorrow (Thursday).

Homework for THURSDAY
·      FINAL DRAFT—Impossible Thank-You Poem
·      We will complete the rubric in class, before you turn in the poem.

Note to People Who Did Not Complete a Peer Conference Over the Second Revised Draft of the Impossible Thank-You Poem
·      Directions for what to do are on Tuesday’s blog.
·      Yellow rubrics are tacked to the board behind my desk.
·      You are responsible for figuring out who to trade with, etc.  Jared and José have made arrangements.  The rest of you guys should as well.  This is for homework for you.

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