Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Thursday, 4/28

o   Please print a copy of your Musical Memory, front and back.  Put the Musical Memory in the drawer.
o   Please print your two Ogden Nash poems. Keep them at your desk.  We’re going to share ONE of them aloud.  And we’re going to be charmingly polite and kind listeners!  (Or I will slap you bald-headed!)

Class Discussion--Debrief about yesterday’s writing buddies.
·       What went well?  What did you get a kick out of?
·       What was problematic? 
·       What We’ll Do Next  (Begin with the end in mind.)
o   Type buddies’ poems; put cool borders on them, etc.
o   Go back and read them our Early Memory stories.

Small Group Sharing:  WWYLN?
·       General Expectations
·       Look at page 40.
·       How are we going to modify it to use with google docs?
1.      I need to see evidence of your critical thinking.
2.     I need to see evidence of your helpful criticisms.
3.     I need to see evidence of your editing.
4.     I need to see evidence that you carefully read the piece.
·       Share your piece on google docs with the three people in your group (or do whatever we decide to do to accomplish items #1-4 above.

Writing Workshop:  WWYLN? Revision--page 41.  (9:05-9:25)

w/ Me During Writing Workshop
o   Autobio Poem Rubrics (Miguel; Dakota; Colton; Jia; Jake E; Dillon; Erin)
o   Finish reading me your Ghosts, Monsters and Bullies poems.

Organization and Reflection (9:25-9:36)
o   Let’s do a folder log-in!  Yay!  Please read my comments carefully.  Since you put time, energy and creativity into your writing, I try to do the same with my comments to you—so please read them.

o   None

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