Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011


Here's the agenda we used in class today.

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

1.      Survival Tips—check out the ones that refer to absences, blog, etc. (#12)
2.     What is a blog?
3.     How do you find it?
4.     Take the oath of I-promise-I'll-never-come-in-and-ask-you-"Did we do anything when I was absent yesterday?"  :-)

Writing Experiment #1--Around the Block
1.      A writing experiment is a first draft—you do your best work, but you work quickly—you don’t agonize over this draft.  You just type your guts out.  (See the survival tip about not stressing about your first draft.)  (See #15 and #21)
2.     Take a look at the requirements for this assignment.
3.     Check out the models.  Models are not perfect examples—models are glimpses at how some people chose to approach this assignment.
4.     Editing Lesson:  MLA format for heading—required on everything you hand in this term.
5.     Organization—create a folder in your Student Volume called “Creative Writing”.
6.    Save this assignment in there, then print TWO-SIDED to room 212.  (This is standard for the term, so please never ask the question, “Where do I print to?”)

Writing Lesson
1.      Clichés--page 8—what are they?  Why are they bad for our writing?
2.     Create anit-clichés (p. 8).
3.     Trade three times for smileys.
4.     Continue clichés tomorrow

·      Complete the worksheet over pages 4 and 5.


  • We talked about switching books, if you don't like the one you're reading.
  • I reminded everyone about how to fill out the pink daily reading logs.
  • We discussed the PLOT questions for Read-Think-Talk, and then we got with new partners for two minutes to chat about one question.
  • I passed out Reading Records, explained how to fill them out, then helped people as needed.  I did take these up from people as they left class today.


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