Thursday, February 26, 2015

Creative Writing--Wednesday, 2/25/15

Day Thirty-Three--Happy Wednesday,  2/25/15!

When You Come In
  1. Sign in, please.
  2. Put your phone in the hostage center.

  • 10:25-11:10
  • Today, we will be dismissed at 11:10 to the varsity gym for a 15 minute pep assembly to honor the wrestling team.

Prompt Word Poem (pages 23-25)
  1. Follow the directions on page 24--I know, I’ve asked you to do a lot of specific things, so stay strong!
  2. Let’s review the directions, and let’s find at least one example from each number, so we know what we’re looking for.  
  3. Work on your own now to scavenge for and find items in #1-5.  Started 10:34; ending @ 10:41.
  4. I’m going to partner you up to discuss your analysis.  Started @ 10:42; ending
  5. Let’s talk as a whole class about what you discovered.

  • Band People had nine minutes to work.
  • Everyone else had about sixteen minutes.

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