Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Creative Writing--Tuesday, 2/24/15

Day Thirty-TWO--Happy Tuesday, 2/24/15!

When You Come In
  1. Sign in, please.
  2. Put your phone in the hostage center.

Conference with Me
  1. I’ve printed your most recent three pieces:  Love Letter, Undercover Deputy, and Three Pieces, One Loss.
  2. When you get the index card, come see me.  
  3. You tell me which one you MOST want me to read for extensive comments.  
  4. This should also be a piece you want to revise next week.

Peer Conference
  1. Check out the comments you got on your Childhood Fear Poems.  
  2. You guys did a marvelous job thoughtfully commenting on each other’s--BRAVO!
  3. What do you notice?  What kinds of comments did you get?  HOW did people phrase their comments?  What was/is helpful to you?
    1. constructive, helpful suggestions
    2. grammar mistakes fixed
    3. what I like
    4. said what didn’t make sense
    5. make connections
  4. Peer Conference Assignment:  Autobio Poem  
    1. Get partners for the Autobio Poem.
    2. Make at least ten comments (positive and/or negative) to help your partner revise to final draft.  
    3. Think about the rubric targets as you read and comment!

Revision Assignment #1:  Autobio Poem w/Rubric (final)--ON SCHOOLOGY
  1. Let’s review the guidelines (with examples) for Final Revision (posted in class google folder for your review):
  2. Here’s a copy of the rubric--let’s review it so we know what our targets are.  
  3. Tell yourself, “This is a test, where I’m showing I know how to use everything I’ve learned in class thus far to revise my poem to a final draft.”
  4. Revise your poem.  (Leave it in the folder.)
  5. Thoughtfully fill out your rubric, and turn it in to the drawer.

HOMEWORK:  Revision Assignment #2:  Childhood Fear Poem--ON SCHOOLOGY

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