Day Thirty-ONE--Happy Monday, 2/23/15!
When You Come In
- Retitle your piece, “Your Last Name--Three Pieces, One Loss.”
- Share it with me now, and make sure it is “CAN EDIT.” Thanks!
- Paper pass-back and folder log-in
- Prose pieces explanation (If I’m not able to meet with you today, I will meet with you tomorrow.)
Revision Preparation--What does revision look like?
- Turn to page 17.
- Read the directions with me--make notes of the modifications I make.
- Analyze the final draft of this poem compared to the first.
- Make at least TEN ANNOTATIONS.
- Started 2:12; ending @ 2:20-ish
- Pair-share your annotations: 2:22-2:27.
- Compare your annotations. What is Gracey changing?
- What KIND OF REVISION is Gracey doing?
- addition (adding details/words not in the original)
- subtraction (taking out words that aren’t needed)
- substitution (taking out one thing, and putting in something else)
- transposition (moving things around)
- structure--line breaks, stanza, etc.
- Put your name at the top, and put this in the drawer.
- Fill out this survey:
- Play quizlet with the new vocab list until I stop you!
Revision: Autobio Poem w/Rubric (final)
- Let’s review the guidelines (with examples) for Final Revision (posted in class google folder for your review):
- Here’s a copy of the rubric--let’s review it so we know what our targets are.
- Tell yourself, “This is a test, where I’m showing I know how to use everything I’ve learned in class thus far to revise my poem to a final draft.”
- Revise your poem. (Leave it in the folder.)
- Thoughtfully fill out your rubric, and turn it in to the drawer.
- We only had ten minutes to work on this.
- We will have a peer conference tomorrow, then complete our final revisions on this piece.
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