Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Advanced CW--Tuesday, 2/17/15

Advanced Creative Writing
Day Twenty-seven--Tuesday, February, 17th, 2015

When You Come In
  • Put the following into the manila folders I made for them, AFTER you make sure your name is at the top.
    • Short Story Proposal
    • Facebook Profile                  

The following should be saved in our class folders NOW, because I’m using them to put you with partners.
  • Two pages on your story            
  • Describing People (p. 66)               


2.     Point of View (pages 62-3)—which POV did you choose, and why?   
3.     Dan Harmon’s Story Circles (page 64)—did anyone use any part of this?
4.     Creating realistic characters:  detail and description, humanity

Peer Conference:  Describing People
  1. Re-read all of page 65 (twelve tips).
  2. Read your partner’s description of the character, and make at least five comments BASED ON ADVICE FROM PAGE 65.  
    1. How well are they hitting those targets?  
    2. Are there places they need to work to make this character description stronger?
  3. If you finish this early, before I’m ready to talk about setting, please continue working on your story (four pages due Thursday).

Short Story Element Lesson:  Setting
1.      Turn to page 71.  I have two excerpts to read to you.
2.     As I read, you circle details that SHOW the reader the SETTING.
3.     We’ll compare notes and discuss after each excerpt.

Exercise:  Visualizing Short Story Setting Details (page 72)
1.      Select ONE setting from your story to work with on page 72.
2.     I’ll give you another one of these Visualizing sheets, if you find it helpful.
3.     Remember setting is not only WHERE, but WHEN, so think about the following:
a.     Time of day
b.    Time period

Upcoming Short Story Lessons
1.      Dialogue (Wednesday)
2.     Style (Wednesday)
3.     Diction (Thursday)
4.     Metaphors and Similes (Thursday)

Quiet, Independent Writing Workshop—Move if you think you’ll be chatty.  Silence is supreme today.
*Due tomorrow:  Three pages plus
**Due Thursday:  Four pages plus

  1. Incorporate your CHARACTER pages into your story!  Maybe you use every detail, or maybe you just KNOW it, even though you don’t explicitly state it.
  2. Incorporate your Visualizing Setting Details (page 72) into your story.  Maybe you use every detail, or maybe you just KNOW it, even though you don’t explicitly state it.
  3. Cruise pinterest board for most recent fiction posts—good stuff there!

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