Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014


Tuesday, November 4th, 2014
Day Eleven

When You Come In
  1. Please sign in.  
  2. Grab your one page of Barbie notes off the front table by the podium.
  3. Date them:  10/31/14--and you’ll tell me why you did that in a minute!  :-)
  4. Grab four green “Greek Myth Figure” handouts off the front table by the podium.

Big Idea
  • Start listening for resonances and echoes.
  • Start look for patterns--try to connect the dots!
  • What have you heard and seen  so far?
    • trickery
    • overthrowing your father
    • strange offspring
    • beasts
    • rape
    • jealousy
    • war
    • meanness to children
    • curses/fate?
    • incest
    • extreme punishments
    • heroic acts
    • vengeance/revenge

Barbie Presentation Prep
  1. GET OUT YOUR ONE PAGE OF NOTES OVER YOUR BARBIE!  Remember, one strategy to understand and remember is REVIEW your notes.  
  2. Get with a partner, and tell one of your figure’s stories clearly.  Time each other; don’t go over sixty seconds or so.
  3. Find a new partner, and rehearse the same story again, timing each other as well.
  4. Repeat until you’ve told your story five times.  The goal is to work the kinks out of your story, so that when you present to the class, the story really flows.
  5. I’ll do an example, with __________ as my partner.
  6. Tell me if I “digress”!  :-)

Barbie Presentation Reminders
  1. Turn off your phone, and stow it away.  You are to show the presenter your best audience behavior.  Checking your phone during their presentation, etc,  is not best audience behavior.
  2. Tell the most important story of your god/goddess, clearly and correctly.
  3. Show and explain your Barbie on the big screen—completed with color and detail, like the models.
  4. Wear the mic!

A word about note-taking….

Barbie Presentations
  1. Have your one page of notes up at the screen with you!  Use them as needed!
  2. Tell your brief story (one minute) about your god/goddess, then present  the myth Barbie.
  3. We listen the first time through the presentation, then takes notes as we went back through the key points TOGETHER.
  4. The following gods/goddess were presented:

We will hear about more gods/goddesses tomorrow!

NEW IDEA:  Importance of Beasts and Creatures
1.      Represented evil in conflicts between good and bad
2.     Gave mortals the chance to slay them and become heroes
3.     Offered so many answers and explanations for disasters such as shipwrecks and volcanoes

  1. Due Thursday = Myth Beast Slideshow
  2. Due Thursday = Study your vocab words for ten to twenty minutes tonight, depending your need.


Tuesday, November 4th, 2014
Day Eleven
  1. Please sign in.
  2. Put your phone in the hostage center, please.
  3. Please open your book to pages 11.
  4. You do NOT need your computer open until LATER in the block!  

Writing Lessons Questions
1.      We’ve had a lesson on avoiding clichés.
2.     Today we have a lesson on using precise adjectives to create imagery in your writing.
3.     What’s the connection?

Writing Lesson:  Use strong diction--Vocabulary Variety.   (Pages 11-12)
  • Use it anytime you have a writing assignment.

Writing Lesson:  Choosing Precise Adjectives (page __10__)
  1. Read and discuss the material at the top of the page, and complete a few science experiments.
  2. Devan’s Hair:
    1. almond-colored
    2. wavy
  3. Revise the sentences here to create a precise image in each sentence.  
Started at 2:33; ending at 2:44-ish.
1.        Put your name in big letters across the top of page ten.
2.       Trade FOUR TIMES for smileys and initials. (started  ______)
a.     Read all the answers.
b.    Put a smiley AND your initials by the writer’s best TWO.
c.     Keep trading!
3.       Now, DRAW A RECTANGLE around the closest thing you have to a MASTERPIECE!
4.       Share your STRONGEST answer when your number comes up.
5.       Pass it over.  Thanks!

Writing Lesson:  Use strong diction--Vocabulary Variety.   Reminder:  (Pages 11-12)
**Use it anytime you have a writing assignment.

WE#3:  Earliest Memory Paragraph to Poem
How to Turn Your Paragraph Into a Poem
  1. Remember my paragraph?  Now look at how I turned it into a poem.
  2. Here’s how I turned my earliest memory story into a poem.
  3. What do you notice?


Two babies
Up to their belly buttons
In the immense jet black tub
The girl steps out
Sees her brother, peachy-white
She sees the silver handle
Turns the knob
All the way
Towards the wall
Steam rises off the water
Drifting up to the white ceiling
Baby brother turning pink
Waving skinny little arms
Mom runs in
His savior

Creating Your Poem
1.      Get out your Vocabulary Variety sheet--pages 11-12.
2.     Turn your paragraph into a poem, the way I did!
3.     Leave everything you’ve typed on the page—ALL THREE ARE A PART OF THE GRADE:
a.     paragraph(s)
b.    questions and answers
c.     poem
5.     Final Checklist
a.     Doublespace the whole story (no extra spaces between paragraphs though).
b.    Paragraph the story for meaning.
c.     Title the poem.  (It can be singlespaced, to save space.)
d.    Make sure you have the correct MLA format for heading.

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