Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

Welcome to Creative Writing!

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

When You Come In
Come back to the circle table, and get the following
1.      Textbook, section one and cover

Writing Lesson
1.      What is it?
2.     Why should you care?
3.     How will it help you in this class?
4.     How will it help you next year and in college?

Writing Lesson:  Clichés
1.      Clichés--page 7—what are they?  Why are they bad for our writing?
2.     Create anti-clichés (p. 7).
a.     It has to make sense! (be true)
b.     It has to be original.
c.     It has to put a picture in our heads!
Started at 2:42; ending about 2:55-ish? 
If you’ve done your best work, and you have time leftover, read Earthbook quietly for enjoyment, and fill out your worksheet.
2.     Trade three times for smileys.
a.     Read your partner’s ten anti-clichés.
b.     Put a smiley and your initials by the TWO you feel are strongest.
3.     Everyone share his/her best anti-cliché.

Welcome to TURBO-ACW!
vTuesday, January 21st, 2014

Ø Class starts at 11:20.

When You Come In
1.       Please sign in on the 3rd Block clipboard.
2.      Bring your hind parts back to the circle table, and pick up several sections of the textbook for this class—yay!
a.   Do you have all forty pages.  (They are numbered.)
b.   Are you missing any pages?
c.    Did you get any extra (duplicate) pages?

Poetry Reminder
·      Poetry Elements (on google docs)—this is a reference for you anytime—just remember you have it, and use it as needed:  https://docs.google.com/a/washington.k12.ia.us/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aopq4r-bWrm_dEZ2STVDaVgtQ1pWaE5VRS1iaHk5anc&usp=drive_web#gid=0

Lunch = 11:58-12:23  (Be back on times, lovelies, or  bring a pass from the office—please and thank you!)

1.     Number the quotes on page 9 now.
2.    I’ll give you a quote from page 9 to analyze and respond to—do that now on page 10!  J
3.    When you finish your analysis and response, read and annotate the poem on page 11, “Ten Definitions of Poetry.”
v Started @ 11:34; ending around 11:44-ish

Sharing Your Work
1.       Trade papers with your partner.
2.      Read over the responses, then leave three sentences for response on the page.
3.      Put a box around the box you feel is your partner’s best thinking.
4.     Sign your name at the bottom.
5.      Return the paper to your partner.

Whole Class Sharing
 Select ONE of the boxes to share with the class as a way of deepening our understanding of the quote.  Here are your choices:
a.       Translate the quote into your own words.
a.     Michelle
b.    Bailey
b.      Argue in three sentences how this quote is a true definition of poetry (example; for-instance; specific poem you’ve read).
a.     Ashley
b.    Tori

c.       Argue in three sentences how this quote is not a true definition of poetry (what is lacking; specific poem you’ve read; for-instance)
d.      CY
e.       Em

Poetry Group Work (trios)
1.      Read “Ten Definitions of Poetry” by Carl Sandburg on page 11.
2.     Here is the definition of the verb “define”: 
a.     —to specify;
b.     --to determine the essential quality of;
c.     --to determine the nature of
3.     Discuss what you think each line of Sandburg’s definition means—unpack it; consider the possibilities.
1.       As a group, discuss what each of YOU thinks are the DEFINING aspects of poetry.
2.      All members of your trio type on the same doc!
3.      Create a poem list called “Ten Definitions of Poetry” that your group feels DEFINES what poetry is to you. 
4.     (So each person comes up with approximately three definition lines.)
5.      Create it and save it in google docs.  The folder is called “Ten Definitions”. 
6.      Save it as your three last names, please.
v You have until 1:00 to discuss, then start creating your masterpiece.  Make sure you save it in the folder.
v We will finish them tomorrow!
v Tomorrow:  google doc dragging

·      Free from Grammar (p. 1)

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