Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013


Welcome, AP! 
Tuesday, November 12th, 2013


Put phones away!  …in your bag away, not in your pocket, etc.  If I have to start taking hostages, I will!

Re-Reading, Close Reading—Twenty Minutes
1.      Chapter 7
2.     This chapter is a turning point.  And in it, we saw many of the same conditions present in Stalinist Russia.  So I want you and your partner to do some CLOSE READING.  Use your text constantly.
3.     Make a copy of the Chapter 7 Close Reading, and share it with your partner and with me. 
4.     Start @ 2:23; end at 2:43

·     How does Squealer do it?!  (handout)

·      Grade the pre-quizzes.

Homework for Wednesday

·      Read and annotate chapter 10.
·      Mañana = quiz over chapters 8, 9 and 10
·      Study two vocab lists on quizlet


Writing Lessons
1.      Revise.
2.     Advice for revising and editing poetry.
3.     Use strong diction—Vocabulary Variety.
4.     Avoid clichés.
5.     Make strong paragraphs.
6.     Create strong titles.
7.     Choose Precise Adjectives.

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

When You Come In (Before Tardy Bell Rings)
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Help me pass out papers.  J


Note:  Meaningful and timely feedback on your work is important!
Get back cliché story slips!
1.      Combine with your partner, in case any got split up.
2.     Read through your comments.
3.     Staple the whole pile together.
4.     Turn them in at the candle now.  J

Writing Lessons Questions
1.      We’ve had a lesson on avoiding clichés.
2.     Today we have a lesson on using precise adjectives to create imagery in your writing.
3.     What’s the connection?

Writing Lesson:  Choosing Precise Adjectives (yellow page ___14___)
1.      Revise the sentences here to create a precise image in each sentence. (started at 1:50-ish)
2.   Trade for two smileys and initials.
3.   Trade THREE TIMES or more!
4.     Share your STRONGEST answer when your number comes up.
5.     Put your name at the top of page 14, and turn it in by my candle.  Thanks!

Writing Lesson:  Use strong diction--Vocabulary Variety.
1.      Use it anytime you have a writing assignment.
2.     Vocabulary Variety Worksheet II
3.     Find pairs of words that are synonyms, but put a very different picture in your mind.  Be ready to explain the difference.
a.     Scamper and scramble
b.    Plummet and drop
c.     Sparkling and iridescent
d.    Dotted and freckled and spotted

Homework = Diction Practice:  Free Rice

1.      Make sure you START at the last level you played on, not at “1”.
2.     Due Friday = 10,000 grains


Welcome to CPR!
Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
11:35-1:10--Lunch at 12:05

When You Come In
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Please get out your myth notes.

Organization—Binder Sections
Pink                =          Foundation Reading
Green             =          Greek Mythology
Keep all quizzes!  Material will be drawn from there for the myth final!

Backbone Literature:  Greek Mythology—MOTIFS!
·      Listen for resonances, echoes, patterns--what motifs do you see/hear in Greek mythology? 
·      Tell me one story the contains the following motifs:
·      Mackenzie, please keep tally marks for people who talk; I would like to hear from everyone multiple times today. 
1.      Incest
2.     Sex
3.     Multiple lovers; not a lot of monogamy so far
4.    Sons overthrowing fathers
5.     Eating “problems” (wives and kids)
6.    Virginity
a.     Athena is a virgin goddess
7.     Death
8.    Murder
9.    Earthly elements
a.     Gaea = mother earth
b.    Uranus = sky
c.     Other gods were various elements
10.  Vengeance
11.    Gaea wanted vengeance on Zeus, so she made Typhon.
12.   Beauty
13.   Balance
a.     Fight between Typhon and Zeus, evil versus good
14.  Jealousy
a.     Aphrodite had an affair with Adonis; Ares got furious, turned himself into a wild boar, and killed Adonis.  L
b.    Hera is jealous of Hercules, because he is the result of one of Zeus’ flings.  Hera would hurt the closest person she could to the god/goddess who offended her.
c.     She tried to hurt Leto’s kids, by giving Leto no place to deliver them.
d.    Cronus ate all his kids, because they were afraid they would overtake him.
15.   Trickery/deceit
a.     Rhea gave Cronus a rock and pretended it was baby Zeus.
b.    Zeus gave Cronus a puking potion.
c.     Hades gave Persephone the pomegranate seeds, to trick her into staying in Hades.
16.  Defiance
17.   Prophecy
a.     Apollo is the god of prophecy
b.    When you want a prophecy, you go to an ORACLE!
18.  Kidnapping

Importance of Beasts and Creatures
1.      Represented evil in conflicts between good and bad
2.     Gave mortals the chance to slay them and become heroes
3.     Offered so many answers and explanations for disasters such as shipwrecks and volcanoes

Review--Beast/Creature Presentations
Tell me what you remember about the following:
1.      Cerebus
a.     Three-headed dog
b.    Guarded the underworld
c.     Sibling of Sphynx
d.    Owned by Hades
e.    Parents are Typhon and Echidna
f.     “Fluffy” in HP is based on him.  J
g.    Snakes come out of his neck, and he has a snake tail.
2.     Cyclopes
a.     One-eyed monster
b.    Blacksmiths
c.     Made three “tools” of Poseidon, Zeus and Hades
d.    Good, even though they were scary-looking
e.    Cyclopes is killed by Apollo to get back at Zeus
3.     Medusa
a.     Snakes coming out of head
b.    Made ugly by Athena
c.     Raped by Poseidon (OR maybe it was consensual, but probably not) in Athena’s temple
d.    Starbuck emblem
e.    So ugly people turned to stone if they saw her
f.     Was the most beautiful woman, before her punishment
g.    Beheaded by Perseus
h.    Gave birth to Pegasus from her neck. 
4.    Typhon
a.     Has 101 heads; fifty on each hand
b.    He’s a giant—as tall as the clouds
c.     He had huge snakes for legs.
d.    Brings on bad weather
e.    Fought Zeus, and lost just barely;
f.     Created by Gaea
g.    Eyes seep venom
h.    Father of Cerberus
5.     Centaur
a.     Half-horse, half-human
b.    Excellent warriors
c.     Known for childish mischief
d.    Centaurus was killed by Hercules on accident
6.    Satyr
a.     Half-goat, half-human
b.    Play the flute and lyre—talented musicians
c.     Love to party
d.    Lots of flings with woodland nymphs
e.    Son of Hermes and Impthimine
f.     Roman names = fauns

Continue and myth beast presentations from now until lunch:

AFTER LUNCH (Started at 12:45, after explanation)
Read Professor Foster’s Chapter, “It’s Greek to Me”.
1.      This is a tough read.  Annotation will be your only hope of gleaning what you need to from the reading.
2.     Do the following in your annotations:  (also what I’m grading you on)
a.     Look up and define in your annotations words you do not know.  The vocabulary you research will be our next set of vocab words.
b.    Look up and note allusions (references with which the writer assumes the reader will be familiar).  Wiki is a friend for this type of thing.  Annotate it in the margins!
c.     Ask questions (basis for class discussion).
d.    Make connections.  We’ve been studying Greek myth for a week and a half now—you should be able to make some connections now.
e.    Summarize—try to summarize each paragraph in a sentence of yours, in your own words.
f.     Identify the arguments—Foster is arguing that MYTH MATTERS.  He’s going to try to SHOW you why and how.  When you read what you think is a point in his argument, underline it, and write “argument” next to it.

Reading and Annotation Homework
Make sure your reading and annotations are thoughtful, thorough and complete through page 67.

Vocabulary Homework

1.      Do quizlet studying for Wednesday and Friday.
2.     Play free rice:  10,000 grains are due by Friday.

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