Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, 11/26/2013


Greek Myth Assignments

Research Time
1.    Read your yellow biographies about your myth figures.
2.    Highlight or annotate details to use in your presentations.
3.    Go to my blog, and click on the link for “Greek Mythology”.
4.   Do more research on those three sites, so you have plenty of vivid details for your powerpoint.
5.   Create a BARBIE for one of your figures (due Tuesday).
6.   Create a google presentation for your second figure (due Wednesday).

Mythology Beast Powerpoint Presentation Grading Criteria

I included the following information about my god/goddess/hero/myth:
·      Slide #1: __________Name of beast; strong image to show who/what it is
·      Slide #2: __________Three most vital details to know about this beast
·      Slide #3: __________Two connections/relationships with other Greek myth figures
·      Slide #4 __________Two reasons they are important to know about in mythology study
·      Slide #5: __________Two modern-day connections 
·      Slide #6:__________Powerful image
·      Slide #7:  __________Powerful image

Myth Slideshow Model:  https://docs.google.com/a/washington.k12.ia.us/presentation/d/1MIECHtXWs9wuVBQJCnU1vWry-q30XbKr3o7wDyIAm9Y/edit#slide=id.p

Welcome, AP
Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

When You Come In
1.     Sign in.
2.    Open your SG to question #31, and put your name at the top of the page.  I am checking #31-38 today.
3.    Put a sticky note at the top of page 65, as I am also checking your background reading:  65, 67, 68, 69-70. White pages
4.   Get your popcorn—thanks, Gracey!

WORK TIME (fifteen minutes)
Vocab War Reminder
·      You should have thirty-five entries for Vocab War for the past week, if you want to stay on track for a superior grade for this assignment.
·      Math = five words a day X seven days a week = 35 entries

Vocabulary (Fifteen Minutes)           Started @
·      Do the quizlet Oedipus Rex vocab until I let you know we’re ready to chat about the reading.
·      Quiz WEDNESDAY

Welcome to CPR!  Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Sign in.
2.     Open your SG to #24, and put your name at the top.  I’m checking #24-30.
3.     In your white pages, put stick notes here:
a.     Page 33
b.    page 65--I am checking your background reading:  65, 67, 68, 69-70.
4.     Leave these by my candle now, please.
5.     Circle up!

Computer Work

Vocabulary (Fifteen Minutes)            
Started @ 11:26; ending at 11:41
·      Do the quizlet Oedipus Rex vocab until I let you know we’re ready to chat about the reading.  (quiz WEDNESDAY)

Circle Discussion
1.    Annotate as we go:
o   DI = dramatic irony
o   Things Oedipus says/does that make him a good king
o   Highlight vocabulary
o   References to blindness and sight, not seeing and seeing
o   Connections
o   Questions (…mostly when you read on your own.)


·      Read and annotate pages assigned in class.

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.

Review:  Writing Lesson #9:  Connotation versus Denotation
Denotation Definition
Ø  the literal or primary meaning of a word

Connotation Definition
Ø  an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
Ø  synonyms:           overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, hidden meaning, nuance, hint, echo, association, suggestion, insinuation
Ø  what makes a word “loaded”

Peer Conference:  Death of Language Progress Check
Goal #1: 
Ø  Get feedback on your work so far that will show you if you are on the right track for creating an excellent assignment, or if you need to dedicate more time and energy to this assignment between now and Tuesday.
Goal #2:
Ø  Learn some new vocabulary words.
1.      Handout #1:  Final Assessment (which we will fill out Tuesday)
2.     Handout #2:  Progress Check (which you will complete tomorrow)
3.     Share your list with your two assignment partners.
4.     Make the magic happen, people!  J

When You Finish Evaluating Each Other’s Answers
1.      When you finish filling out the white sheet, turn it in here at my candle.
2.     Click on the blog, and make sure you’ve entered information on the two reminder docs there.
3.     Move on to Writing Workshop, directions listed below.

In Class Tomorrow: 
Writing Workshop:  Death of Language (page 16)
1.      Review page 16, so you can “begin with the end in mind”.
2.     Review the Death of Language Self-Assessment sheet (on white) I gave you yesterday, so you can “begin with the end in mind.”
3.     Read your peer conference comments.
a.     Which answers are you strongest? 
b.    Which are your weakest?
4.     Make revisions to these ten, if needed.
5.     Find the rest of the words needed to complete your list of twenty, then type rationales.
6.     By TUESDAY, all twenty words are due, typed, and in the same format as you see in the examples on page 16.  (three sentences for rationale—guideline)

10:40--Writing Lesson Review:  Connotation versus Denotation
1.      Remember how we said some words are loaded, that they have baggage, that they have CONNOTATIONS that have to do with our own personal associations?
2.     Well, turn to page 19, to “Playing with Words”, then take a look at the examples I have on the big screen.  Do you see how people are basing their choices on the CONNOTATIONS of the words, instead of the DENOTATIONS?
3.     I’m going to give you five minutes to fill in as many words as you can.  You CAN USE any of the twenty words you listed for Death of Language.
4.     We’ll share out our best word from each category.
5.     Feel free to borrow!  Once you write them down, they’re yours to keep and use!  ;-)


1)  If you haven’t filled out the form on the blog for the Russian Tailor revision, you will receive a zero for the revision grade, which you cannot make up.

2)  Today is the last day to enter data on the Reading Strategy Tracking doc:


Writing Workshop:  Death of Language (page 16) until 10:35

1.      Review page 16, so you can “begin with the end in mind”.

2.     Review the Death of Language Self-Assessment sheet (on white) I gave you yesterday, so you can “begin with the end in mind.”

3.     Read your peer conference comments, which I will be handing back to you momentarily.  Which answers are you strongest?  Which are your weakest?
4.     Make revisions to these ten, if needed.
5.     Find the rest of the words needed to complete your list of twenty, then type rationales.
6.     By TUESDAY, all twenty words are due, typed, and in the same format as you see in the examples on page 16.  (three sentences for rationale—guideline)

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