Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

 Monday, 8/27/2012!                                                              Day 4—Reading

When You Come In
·      Initial attendance on the clipboard on the front table.

1.      On a sheet of notebook paper, write the title “Vocabulary, 8/27”.
2.     Write down TWO examples of someone you know RECOVERING from a setback or an adversity, like this:
·      My grandma had cancer, which was an ADVERSITY to our whole family.  But she had chemotherapy, and now she’s recovering.  She’s a survivor.
·      Diego Maradona—he overcame the ADVERSITIES of an injury and a cocaine addiction by going to rehab to get better.

3.     Write down TWO celebrities or famous people you feel are arrogant and stuck-up.
·      Lil’ Wayne—says he’s the greatest rapper alive.
·      Charlie Sheen—on the radio, he said “Two and a Half Men” can’t go without him.
·      Chad Ocho Cinco—before games, he talks trash; he celebrates in the end zone; claims he’s the only one the opponent is looking to stop.

4.     Get to two new words for today:
·      Resilient
o   Mid-Prairie scored on us (ADVERSITY), but we worked together as a team and scored on them.  (RESILIENT)
·      Haughty
o   Synonym =  PROUD
o   Antonym =  HUMBLE

Reading Strategy:  Prediction
·      Make predictions while I read “The Candy Bite”.

Read and Relax
·      Get your reading log (pink sheet) and your reading book (reading log).
·      Fill it out.
·      Read and enjoy your just-right book for thirty minutes! 

Last Five Minutes of Class (3:15-ish)
1.      Complete your pink daily reading log:  time ended, end page, and TOTAL PAGES READ.
2.     Make sure you’ve given yourself a rating (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) for ALL THREE DAYS!  I’m inputting a daily reading grade in the gradebook today.

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