Friday, January 20, 2012

FRIDAY! :-) 1/20/2012

Creative Writing


Today you need to show me that you know how to get on google docs without asking everyone around you.  :-)

  1. So, sign on to google docs.
  2. Record your user name and your password on the first page of your Creative Writing textbook.
  3. Go to "Documents" (under "More").
  4. Click on the red square that says "Create", then "Document".
  5. Head your paper with the MLA format, then start typing your writing experiment (directions below).
I will come to your desk following for a daily grade:
  1. You've completed #2 above.
  2. You're MLA format is correct, and you're typing your experiment in a google doc.

Writing Experiment #2
·      Select ONE of the following choices to write about. 
·      Type for the full twenty minutes.  (doublespace, please)
·      Record the time you started, and the time you stopped, at the top of the page.

DUE:  TOMORROW, TUESDAY, in the drawer, when the tardy bell rings

Spilled Popcorn
What’s the worst movie you’ve seen recently?  Imagine you’re a film critic and write a couple of paragraphs tearing this movie to shreds.

I’m Grateful
Even the dreariest, most awful weeks aren’t bad twenty-four hours a day.  Think of a few things that have happened this week that you’re grateful for.

Breaking Up
Woody Allen once said,

“It’s better to be the leaver than the leavee.”

Do you agree?  Would you rather dump someone than get dumped yourself?  Which do you think is more painful?

Welcome to Creative Writing!

When You Come In
1.      Sign in.
2.     Get an iBook.
3.     Go to my blog WITHOUT ASKING ANYONE what the address is. 

Writing Experiment #2
·       Twenty minutes

1.      Create anti-clichés (p. 12).  (Ten Minutes)
a.     It has to make sense! (be true)
b.     It has to be original.
c.     It has to put a picture in our heads!
2.     Trade three times for smileys.
a.     Read your partner’s ten anti-clichés.
b.     Put a smiley and your initials by the TWO you feel are strongest.
3.     Everyone share his/her best anti-cliché.
4.     Skim and scan pages 13-14, and do the following.
a.      Put a question mark by clichés you don’t understand,
b.      Put a smiley by ones you like (even though they’re cliché).
c.      Put a check-mark by the ones you’ve heard gazillions of times.
5.      NOW:  Pair-share your responses.
6.      I’ll explain any that are still unclear.
7.     Take the pledge to avoid clichés in your writing.

·       Journal #1 (handout)

Journal #1

I have read “What is a Journal” (p. 10).  The quote that speaks to me most strongly is this one:




Here’s why:




Please write “yes” or “no” in the blank provided.

_______1)            I’ve typed, doublespaced a MINIMUM of one and a half pages on any topic of my choosing.                                      (Keep in mind “acceptable material”.)  I can use page 11 in my textbook for ideas, if I want to.

________2)            I’ll be here five minutes early, if I need to print this at school.

________3)            I am turning it in on Monday, 1/23, when the tardy bell rings.


My journal is                         fiction                        nonfiction                        poetry                        combination                        (circle one)

·       We’ll do the first part of this assignment before you leave today.


When You Come In
1.      Please sign in on the 3rd Block clipboard.
2.     Please put “Still Life” in the drawer.
3.     Circle up!

Poetry Reminder
·       Poetry Elements (on google docs)
·       Check out the big list we made 1/18/12.  Do we have anything to add today?  J

1.      Review your “Observations About Poetry Sheet” (p. 10) notes.
2.     Select ONE of the boxes to share with the class as a way of deepening our understanding of the quote.  Here are your choices:
a.     Translate the quote into your own words.
b.     Argue in three sentences how this quote is a true definition of poetry (example; for-instance; specific poem you’ve read).
c.     Argue in three sentences how this quote is not a true definition of poetry (what is lacking; specific poem you’ve read; for-instance)

Poetry Group Work (four trios; one pair)
1.      Read “Ten Definitions of Poetry” by Carl Sandburg on page 11.
2.     Here is the definition of the verb “define”: 
a.     —to specify;
b.     --to determine the essential quality of;
c.     --to determine the nature of
3.     Discuss what you think each line of Sandburg’s definition means—unpack it; consider the possibilities.
4.     As a group, discuss what each of YOU thinks are the DEFINING aspects of poetry.
5.     Each of you will have an ibook, and each of you will be typing on the same google doc at once.  You will create a poem list called “Ten Definitions of Poetry” that your group feels DEFINES what poetry is to you.  (So each person comes up with approximately three definition lines.)
6.     Create it and save it in google docs.  The folder is called “Ten Definitions”.  Save it as your three last names, please.

Collaborative Writing in Pairs
1.      Writing an Incredibly Bad Poem (p. 12)
2.     Your directions are on page 12, so follow them.  J
3.     Both of you need an iBook, and both of you type the poem at once.
4.     Save your duo’s poem in the google doc folder, “Incredibly Bad Poem”.
5.     Save them as your two last names.
6.     We will share these aloud Monday!  (Absolute worst one wins!)

1:00                  Brain-Pain!
·       The Sounds of Silence!

·       None

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