Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, 9/14/2009



Paper #1
1.      1.    At the top of Paper #1, write down what you feel your greatest success with this paper has been so far.
2.     Then write two questions you want your peer conferencer to answer.  (We’ll talk some about what those questions should sound like.  We want to remember the rubric, and we went to remember what we’ve read in They Say/I Say.)
3.     Partner-up with another person, trade papers, and have a thoughtful peer conference.  (Let’s review how we do this.)
4.     Make sure and comment specifically on what your partner wrote at the top of his/her paper.
5.     After you’ve finished reading each other’s paper and writing comments, talk with each other a bit about the challenges you faced when writing this draft, and where you’re heading with the final draft.
6.    Lastly, write me a paragraph (on the back of your paper) telling me what you would like my help on this draft before you do your final draft.  Tell me what you are proud of, and tell me what you think isn’t working as well as it could be.  Ask me a question.
7.     Throw Paper #1 in the drawer on my desk.

Home Burial” by Robert Frost
1.     On page 20, take a look at RJ assignment (Part I) for this poem.
2.     Read the poem on pages 18-19 all the way through once.
3.     Then go back and make the annotations—I’m looking for eight total.

1.     Open your They Say/I Say binders to page 18.
2.     Write your name at the top of that page.
3.     Leave it open to that page, and stack it on my desk, please.

Homework for Tuesday
“Home Burial” Reading Journal Questions—Part II (page 20)
Make sure your RJ answers do the following:
·      Are phrased in complete sentences.
·      Give evidence from the poem to support your points.
·      Clearly show your ideas about what you’ve read
·      Answer all parts of each question.

Tuesday and Wednesday
·      “The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry” by Laurence Perrine (pp. 12-17)
·      Poetry Trios (pp. 24-30)

Thursday and Friday
·      Hand back Paper #1 rough drafts (discussion, surgery).
·      Go over the writing rubric again.
·      Set the due date for Paper #1 final draft.
·      Take stock of where we’ve been (mythology; heroes; They Say/I Say; Professor Foster).
·      Create a review sheet for Exam #1 (which will include in-class essays).


Strategy Review--Visualization
We posted our Monkey Garden posters and took a gallery walk.
We talked about why people included certain details in their posters.
We talked about WHY it's important to VISUALIZE when you read.

Bookmark Journals
I posted some reminders about them.
Today we are doing TWO entries for "Visualize" on our read-and-relax books.

Read and Relax
We had thirty minutes for reading and bookmark journal entries.

I introduced three new words today with Vocabutoons:  cerebral, lament and encroach.
We recorded them on our green grids.

We passed back papers.
We organized our binders.
We plotted our six-way paragraphs that we'd scored.

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